Sickle Cell


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As you know, suffering from Sickle Cell, sometimes mean taking a lot of tablets and I don’t know about you but my stomach always suffers the consequences of those tablets, like having constipation, being bloated and having stomach pains and generally being uncomfortable.  As a result, I went in search of yoghurts and their benefits.  What I found out was that if you are going to take any yoghurt, buy probiotic yoghurt and some people make it a daily habit.  Experts say Greek yoghurts are the best.

Greek yoghurt is packed with probiotics. Probiotics are healthy bacteria that can help boost your immune system and decrease stomach issues, such as diarrhea and pain.

Let the creamy stuff ease your tummy troubles: The probiotics (beneficial bacteria) in some yogurts balance the microflora in your gut, which can aid with digestion as well as keep you regular, says Robin Plotkin, RD, a culinary and nutrition expert.

One serving is a significant source of potassium, phosphorous, riboflavin, iodine, zinc, and vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid).  Yoghurt also contains B12, which maintains red blood cells and helps keep your nervous system functioning properly.

Since it naturally contains calcium, you’d think the amount would be the same no matter which yoghurt you pick. Wrong. “The levels can vary widely from brand to brand, so you really need to check the label,” and “Vitamin D isn’t naturally in yoghurt, but because it helps boost calcium absorption, most companies add it.”

Another benefit of Greek yoghurt is that it’s high in calcium. Calcium is key to building strong muscles and helping your vital organs function. Your body also doesn’t produce calcium on its own. Without enough calcium, children may not grow as tall as possible and adults can be at risk for osteoporosis.

Yoghurt has a much higher amount of our body needs vitamin B-12 for red blood cells to form, brain functions, and DNA synthesis. “Many choose to supplement vitamin B-12 into their diet, but Greek yogurt offers a powerful, natural alternative, protein than milk. Your body uses protein to build bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, hair and blood

Yoghurt can be an excellent source of protein.  The protein provides the amino acids your muscles need to repair themselves, Gans explains, and the carbohydrates replace your muscles’ energy stores.  Protein is also one of the three nutrients that provide energy. It also transfers substances, such as oxygen, across cell membranes. Getting the right amount of protein for yourself is important for your immune system, nerves, and fluid balance.

Yoghurt is a good source of potassium helps lower blood pressure and balance out the sodium levels in your body. If you have high sodium levels or a diet high in sodium, you may want to eat foods high in potassium so that your body can pass the excess sodium when you go to the bathroom.

If you want to create your own flavored yogurt, start with your favorite plain yogurt and stir in all sorts of foods and flavors. Here are a few ideas:  Add chopped strawberries; add chopped bananas, add canned crushed pineapple, add a tablespoon of flaked or shredded coconut; add flaked almonds or nuts; add 1/4 cup chopped orange segments or mandarin oranges etc…